Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Position on the Issues

I believe heavy in state rights, so my goal in congress is to transfer the power back to the states. 
"The government closest to the people governs best." Our founding fathers 
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." Thomas Jefferson 

Let the states decide is my position on almost every issue. Keep the post office, but let the states decide everything else. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

For far to long we have allowed our freedoms to be chipped away. Now is the time to put an end to it. Vote for me, and I will do all I can to restore our freedoms, and to represent the people, not corporations. I have a dream that once again America will be for the people, by the people.

I am just a regular guy just like many of you. I have had nothing handed to me. I have worked hard my whole life. I want America to be the land of the free once again. I want jobs back in this country. I want what many of you want. 

Vote for me, and once again the people will rule this country. We are not, nor were we ever intended to be anyone's subjects. We are the rulers of this country, and the government works for us. We are the kings, and the government is our subject. Say no more, say no way, vote for Andy Shambaugh. A vote for Andy Shambaugh is a vote for America. I am a patriot of this nation. My loyalty is to Liberty.