"The government closest to the people governs best." Our founding fathers
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." Thomas Jefferson
Let the states decide is my position on almost every issue. Keep the post office, but let the states decide everything else.
What are your thoughts on Bernie Sander's platform regarding money out of politics, overturning Citizens United, creating jobs rebuilding our crumbling Infrastructure, paying for free public college with a tax on Wallstreet high risk speculation, Medicare for All, eliminating Corporate Welfare, bringing jobs back from overseas and eliminating disastrous free trade agreements, replacing with fair trade agreements, working toward converting our nation to renewable energy, increasing the cap on Social Security to increase benefits and make it solvent, banning fracking, and making the 1% and corporations pay their fair share in taxes?
ReplyDeleteIf you are not familiar with his Medicare For All or his tax plan, you can read about it on his Website.